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Tuesday, July 9, 2019


  bongoextremz       Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Program: The Mo Dewji Foundation provides scholarships to outstanding high school students planning to pursue higher education, which cover four years of undergraduate college. The scholarship program is intended to create a community of passionate students and provide them with the capacity to achieve their greatest potential. Eligible students must be admitted to the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) or Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA).

Focus Areas: Education

Please be sure to read the program overview before applying to the program. If you feel you meet our eligibility criteria, you may download and complete the application form. Send this form and all other application materials (listed on the application) to moscholars@modewjifoundation.org


Program Overview

Eligibility Requirements
What do we look for in our scholarship recipients?

High Academic Achievement: Recipient must have obtained a grade point average of not less than 3.8 on their A-Levels. This will be judged based on their academic transcript, and by testimony to your scholarly excellence that is provided by a letter of recommendation by a teacher.

Financial Need: Recipient must demonstrate financial need and submit documentation in the form of a written statement explaining need plus any available reinforcing narrative in the form of references that will be vetted by the committee.

Leadership Potential: Recipient must demonstrate leadership potential as demonstrated in extra-curricular activities, projects, and/or duties upheld prior to commencing their undergraduate studies. Applicants are required to provide evidence of this in the form of a written recommendation letter, awards received etc. as and where applicable.

Other eligibility requirements include:

  • Recipient must be a citizen of the United Republic of Tanzania (at the time they apply for the scholarship).
  • Recipient must have attended a secondary school in Tanzania to be eligible for this scholarship. Home-schooled students are not eligible.
  • Recipient must be fluent in both English and Kiswahili at the time of their application.
  • Recipient must be entering their first year of undergraduate education.
  • Recipient must declare their intent with a major / degree program of his/her choice.
  • Recipient should not have studied for, or hold a degree or degree-equivalent qualification from a tertiary institution within Tanzania or outside the country.
  • MDF is committed to equality of opportunity, and no application will be treated less favorably than another on the grounds of gender (including reassignment), marital or parental status, race, ethnic origin, color, disability, sexual orientation, religion or age.

Application Checklist
Before applying, make sure that you have all the required documents!

  • MoScholars Program application form
  • Official un-conditional acceptance letter to UDSM or SUA
  • Official secondary/high-school transcript
  • Teacher recommendation letter
  • Letter and supporting evidence demonstrating financial need
  • Letter and supporting evidence demonstrating leadership potential

What happens when you become a Mo Scholar?
Confirmation of Scholarship

  1. With all the conditions met, agreed upon, Mo Dewji Foundation will notify all successful scholarship recipients by email of their scholarship. As a courtesy, applicants who are unsuccessful in the scholarship application will also be notified by email.
  2. Each successful scholarship recipient will be responsible for signing a Scholarship Agreement which is a legally binding document outlining the terms and conditions of the funding.
  3. Mo Dewji Foundation will then arrange a scholarship award ceremony scheduled a few weeks into the term. All scholarships recipients and their families and friends will be invited. An applicants inability to attend the awards ceremony in person will not impact his/her eligibility for the scholarship.


Progress Evaluation

The progress of Mo Scholars Program recipients will be evaluated at the end of each academic semester.

After each semester, student scholars’ performance will be evaluated by a committee. UDSM / SUA will provide their grades to said committee and recipients will be responsible for providing a minimum one-page summary of their extra-curricular activities performed during the academic semester. The summary must be signed by at least one-witness who can be called upon to vet the validity of the claims made in the summary. Contact information for the witnesses must be included in the summary write-up. MDF will provide the recipients with a template for documenting their progress on extra-curricular activity participation. The committee will also be informed of any academic / non-academic milestones, events and/or hurdles that the recipient may be involved in.

The purpose of the progress evaluation is to track the advancement of each recipient against the expectations set forth in the scholarship. At the end of each progress evaluation, the committee will provide feedback report to each recipient outlining their overall progress, scholarship award standing and feedback for the next academic term.

Additional Program Components
Extracurricular Participation

Recipients are encouraged to join and actively participate in extra-curricular activities, including but not limited to those organized by the UDSM / SUA Students’ Union. UDSM / SUA will provide recipients with a list of available activities for them through the campus during the orientation week.

Practical Summer Training Internship

Upon successful completion of the academic year, recipients are eligible to apply for an un-paid practical training summer-internships (“internship”) at MeTL Group subsidiaries, affiliates or MDF.

  • The internship will be open solely to recipients of the MoScholars Program.
  • MDF will publish a list of available internships at least three (3) months prior to the summer vacation as a call-for-applications. Recipients are strongly encouraged to apply and participate in the internship to complement their existing academic program at UDSM / SUA.
  • Recipients are eligible for reference letters upon successful completion of their internships at the sole discretion of the host company.
  • As an intern, the recipient will not be a company employee. Therefore, they will not receive a salary, wages, or other compensation. In addition, they will not be eligible for any benefits that the Company offers its employees, including, but not limited to, health benefits, holiday pay, vacation pay, sick leave, transport allowance, communication allowance, housing or retirement benefits.
  • Upon conclusion of the internship, the recipient must return all company-owned property, equipment, and documents, including electronic mail or other information. By accepting this internship offer, you acknowledge that you must adhere to our confidentially policy.
  • By accepting the internship offer, the recipient acknowledges that all costs associated with the internship will not be compensated by the MDF and/or the receiving company.
 Terms and Conditions
By applying to UDSM / SUA and the Mo Scholars Program and accepting the scholarship award, the recipient agrees to the following terms and condition set forth below. Failure to abide by any of the following terms and conditions shall result in termination of the scholarship award.

  • Recipients are required to maintain full-time student status as defined by UDSM / SUA.
  • Recipients are required to maintain a 3.5 GPA at all times throughout their academic degree.
  • Scholarship will be applied to the following expenses only:
                     >Tuition Fees = TZS 1,000,000 – TZS 1,500,000 depending on the academic program of the scholarship recipient.
                    >Direct University Fees = ID fees, registration fee, examination fees, medical capitation fees, student union fees, books and stationary allowance. A maximum amount of TZS 80,000 per scholarship recipient.
                   >Housing and meals allowance = TZS 1,500,000 per annum per scholarship recipient.

  • Scholarship award is a non-cash award to recipient’s UDSM / SUA account as outlined on the scholarship application. No check or other cash monies will be disbursed at any time. No exceptions.
  • Recipient agrees to complete his/her degree program in the time set forth by UDSM / SUA . Switching degree programs, whether by choice or due to a version and/or program update, may result in a loss of credits that this scholarship will not cover.
  • Recipient who falls out of attendance for more than thirty (30) days from the last date of academic activity will forfeit his/her scholarship. Recipient who returns from an approved absence will be subject to version and program updates per the UDSM / SUA Student Code of Conduct.
  • Should the recipient drop and/or fail to complete a course for which the scholarship, or a portion of the scholarship has been used to pay the tuition, in no event will any cash refund be given at any time. Recipient is permitted a total of three (3) dropped courses for the entire degree program that may be covered by the scholarship.
  • Recipient acknowledges that at no time can he/she become an employee of UDSM / SUA or any of its affiliates and retain this scholarship.
  • Recipient agrees to abide by the UDSM / SUA rules and regulations, including but not limited to, the Student Code of Conduct.
  • During the term of the scholarship, the recipient shall notify UDSM / SUA immediately is he/she is convicted of a crime, excluding traffic offenses. Recipient acknowledges that said conviction may impact this scholarship at UDSM / SUA



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